A simple chatbot component with customisable flow.
A chatbot component with customisable flow
Open innpx shadcn@latest add https://shadfinity.sanjaybora.in/registry/chatbot.json
Prop | Type | Description |
name | string | The chatbot's display name. |
image | string (URL) | The chatbot's avatar image. |
initialStep | string | The first step in the chatbot flow. |
tooltip | string | Tooltip text displayed with widgit. |
defaultOpen | boolean | Controls chatbot's initial visibility. |
flow | FlowNode[] | Defines chatbot conversation logic. |
Each flow node in the chatbot has the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
delay | number (ms) | Delay before showing the message. |
message | string | The message displayed to the user. |
options | string[] | List of selectable responses. |
inputboxDisabled | boolean | Disables the input field. |
validation | function | Function to validate user input. Must return a boolean or string. |
next | string | function | Defines the next step in flow. Can be a string or a function that determines the next step based on input. |
autoNext | boolean | Automatically moves to next step after displaying the message. |